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The Advantages of Externalizing Software Development & Design

by Dragos Ruse
12 minutes read
The Advantages of Externalizing Software Development and Design HyperSense

What does externalizing software development mean?

In its most basic form, externalizing is the practice of giving specific duties to an outside vendor rather than employing internal resources. Today, externalizing is a widespread practice across almost all industries. The most frequently externalized service in the IT industry is software application development.

Why should startups use externalized developers for their software?

Externalizing software development & design is quicker and less expensive than in-house development because it eliminates the requirement for office space rental, infrastructure setup, and professional team formation. If you want to go deeper and expand your knowledge, we also recommend reading Digital Transformation Through Mobile Apps to discover more about this process.

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What are the additional justifications for externalizing software development & design for both new and established businesses?

  • Access to extensive expertise and knowledge
  • Global access to the best tech talent
  • Optimal matching of skills & talent
  • Being able to put together the best possible professional team for the project
  • Micromanagement becomes unnecessary
  • Effective teamwork and communication
  • The use of the Agile approach
  • Easily scalable

Access to extensive expertise and knowledge

It goes without saying that outsourcing software engineering is a fantastic approach to make up for the internal resources you lack and free up time for your primary activities. Nevertheless, that is merely the tip of the iceberg. In reality, all you need to do to access a whole range of consulting, marketing, analytical, design, & development services is to think of a product concept.

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You can either move on to development or begin by developing a minimum viable product (MVP) to test your idea and make any necessary first revisions, according to your project specifics, product type, and budget. In this situation, the outsourcing company’s marketing and design specialists will assist you in creating the best MVP and in interpreting the analytical data it generates. If you’re curious enough and eager to learn more, PoC vs Prototype vs MVP will enlighten your vision.

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Outsourcing businesses can handle everything from project planning through cost estimation, wireframing, software development, and UI/UX design. And they consistently carry it out. Because of this, they are able to create the best project plan possible for any job.

Global access to the best tech talent

You are not constrained by your physical location when you want to externalize your product development, for instance, your software development project or web design project. The team’s professionalism and skill set should be your main considerations rather than their proximity to your workplace.

You may locate the team that is ideal for your project’s requirements by perusing the firm’s portfolio, checking reviews, looking up customer feedback, and trying the software products that the company has supplied. This rich talent pool for development will enhance the production of your product regardless of where they are located or how they collaborate.

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We definitely advise thinking about cultural differences and taking action to reduce their impact on the project development process when considering collaborating with a team that is located halfway around the world or dispersed across many nations.

Optimal matching of skills & talent

You can get the ideal balance between the team’s rates and its skill growth through outsourcing. Your options for outsourcing have a wide geographic scope, with the best-known centers for software development outsourcing being in India and Eastern Europe.

Eastern European nations are moving up the outsourcing rankings swiftly. Operating in this part of the world, software development firms have proven they offer high-quality services with the right mix of knowledge and innovation.

Additionally, compared to the US or Western Europe, Eastern Europe’s development rates are noticeably lower. With HyperSense, you can externalize software development & design and receive a high-quality, expertly delivered solution for a lower cost.

Being able to put together the best possible professional team for the project

Starting your project by assembling your own startup development team will probably cause you to run far behind schedule.

Keep in mind that you require more than just developers to build the code & DevOps to deploy the product for a successful product launch. You also require UI/UX designers, business analysts, QA engineers, and copywriters to ensure seamless product delivery. Additionally, your project can call for highly specific abilities like virtual reality or artificial intelligence. It could take some time to find expertise in such a wide range of fields, the time that would otherwise be used for carrying out the project’s actual job.

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Typically, software development externalizing companies already have a full team in place, or they may swiftly hire reputable freelancers to fill jobs if they require extra skill sets. The project manager can suggest a team capable of completing your project and estimate the amount of time needed from every team member at the early stages of project planning.

Micromanagement becomes unnecessary

When you give your project to an externalized company, the project is managed by a project manager whose role is to oversee outsourced software development, as the name implies. The project manager will be your main contact for any problems that may emerge and will handle all issues pertaining to the development and launch of your product.

You will collaborate on the project’s plan with the PM from the very beginning of the project’s development. The project manager is responsible for adhering to the set timeline and budget after you have confirmed the project plan and estimate. The PM typically already employs tried-and-true management techniques for both internal and remote teams.

The PM will be responsible for organizing the sprints, establishing deadlines, managing delivery, scheduling, and creating feature demos. You can address any changes, ideas, concerns, or comments to the project manager with confidence that the necessary steps will be taken.

Effective teamwork and communication

It should go without saying how important excellent communication is. Fortunately, an outsourced company already has established and operational platforms and tools for effective communication. A project on GitHub, a Figma project, a workspace in Slack, and you are essentially done setting up the communication environment for your project.

The quickest and most efficient solutions to all problems will be found when a team is accustomed to working together.

The major and secondary capabilities of the team members are also well recognized, so the PM will have little trouble finding substitutes in the event of an emergency or illness.

The use of the Agile approach

Adhering to the lean development tenet is frequently crucial for startups. By doing this, it is possible to provide a product with a minimum amount of additional costs or activities brought on by poor project management, inadequate communication, overwhelming complexity, or other coordination-related problems.

The lean strategy is preferred by the Agile methodology. The process of developing a product is divided into sprints, which are typically two weeks long, in the most popular model. The product increment, which is often a feature or functional component, is the goal of each sprint. At the end of the sprint, the product is tested and demonstrated once it has been developed.

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Agile permits on-the-fly change and adapt the development & design processes to evolving requirements. This minimizes the need to rework finished components during the course of a project.

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Easily scalable

The project’s scope may expand or contract during the development process, necessitating the implementation of adjustments. The original team should be scaled up or down if this occurs. With in-house development, it is difficult to accomplish that.

And everyone who has developed an internal team is aware of how difficult it can be to locate a replacement for an existing team member with the necessary skills, particularly if those skills are only required for a single project. If you have to cut down on the team, you will either have to fire people and run the risk of not being able to find someone with the same skill set later on.

These issues can be avoided by externalizing software development & design because the company often has enough employees to meet your project’s requirements. Likewise to this, an outsourcing company can reduce the team size without any issues because they may be managing multiple projects at once and can move the teammate to another task.

If you have a project idea and lack the working force to start it, contact us and let’s work together. Book a meeting with HyperSense and find out more about why it makes sense to externalize your software development & design.

We also offer different collaboration options such as:

  • Dedicated product team, based on the client’s needs. It can contain PM, UI/UX Designers, Mobile Devs, Web Devs, QA Testers, DepOps, Copywriter
  • Team augmentation, which basically means dedicated developers on various frameworks that can be added remotely to the already existing team and are directly managed by the client’s PO
  • Support team, responsible for lifetime maintenance of various software products

For all the collaboration options, the teams can easily be adjusted up or down to bring the project advantages above mentioned. 

If you enjoy reading this article, IT Consultancy and the Business Benefits in Software Development will offer you the extra info needed before starting a new software development project. 

Learn how the apps will scale and what their future success will be in App Scalability in Custom Software Development, or even discover How To Build An App Wireframe to create a fantastic user experience inside your future app.

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