Research & Development

Elevating Your Tech Ambitions

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ISO 27001:2018
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Empower Your Vision

with Our R&D Expertise

HyperSense is dedicated to amplifying your innovative aspirations. Through our Research and Development (R&D) services, we support businesses in transforming their unique challenges into trailblazing solutions.


Technical Solutions to Complex Challenges

Every innovation presents its hurdles. We specialize in navigating these complexities, crafting precise software solutions tailored to your needs.

Guiding Your Tech Evolution

Innovation is dynamic. We're here to ensure that your tech solutions not only address current challenges but also anticipate future shifts.

Visionary Problem Solving

Innovation requires visionary thinking. We approach challenges not as barriers but as opportunities to redefine the tech landscape.

Harnessing the Latest Technologies

Staying updated is the bare minimum. Our focus is on embracing and mastering emerging technologies even before they become mainstream. This forward-thinking approach ensures that our clients are always at the technological forefront.

Innovative Problem Solving

Our R&D isn't only about tech—it's about vision. When confronted with business challenges, we don't just find workarounds; we innovate solutions that can redefine the way your business operates.

Carving Out Your Niche

In a competitive landscape, standing out is vital. Our R&D services focus on identifying what makes your project unique, ensuring you captivate your target audience.

On top of getting solutions

With HyperSense's R&D services

You're getting a roadmap to the future of your tech aspirations. Collaborate with us, and let's turn your innovative challenges into industry-leading solutions.

Ready to revolutionize your tech journey?

Engage with HyperSense's R&D expertise today

When R&D is Needed for Your Project?

Research and development isn’t just for large corporations or tech giants. Many projects, big or small, can benefit immensely from an R&D approach, leading to breakthrough innovations and competitive advantages. Here's when you should consider incorporating R&D into your project:


Unprecedented Challenges

When you encounter challenges that are new, unique, or have no established solutions, R&D can pave the way forward. This process aids in exploring uncharted territories and developing novel solutions tailored to your specific challenge.


Cutting-Edge Technologies

If you’re aiming to integrate the latest technologies or are curious about how emerging tech can boost your business, R&D is the way to go. Be it AI, AR/VR, Spatial Computing, or any new tech wave, R&D can help you harness its full potential.


Product Efficiency & Optimization

If you believe your product or solution has room for improvement or can be optimized to offer better performance, R&D can help identify those areas and develop techniques to enhance them, like the background location tracking algorithm for mobile applications.

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Expanding into

New Markets

If you're looking to tap into new markets or audience segments, R&D can help you understand these new terrains better, developing products or features tailored to these new audiences.

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Business Models

For businesses undergoing a pivot or those looking to add new revenue streams, R&D can aid in validating the feasibility and potential of these new models.


Future Preparedness

In a rapidly changing tech landscape, staying ahead is paramount. R&D aids in foreseeing future trends, ensuring your solutions are not just relevant today but remain so in the years to come.

Need for a

Competitive Edge

In saturated markets, differentiation is key. R&D can provide that edge by allowing you to offer unique, innovative solutions that set you apart from the competition.

Research and Development for
Emergency Mobile App Development

GeoReach, a leading United Kingdom-based firm specializing in emergency app solutions, joined forces with HyperSense to elevate their GeoReach emergency app.

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Our journey emphasized optimizing location tracking and battery efficiency, fortified by state-of-the-art ECDH and AES encryption.

Furthermore, we aimed to bolster user interactions through a refined UI/UX and ensure adaptability for future features. As a testament to our commitment, the app stands ready for ongoing enhancements, promising both user engagement and scalability in the face of evolving tech landscapes.

Elevating MyBlender App with
Video Processing on Mobile Platforms R&D

Based in Chicago, MyBlender sought to revolutionize mobile video editing for iOS and Android.

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With HyperSense Software at the helm of its development, extensive research and development were poured into the app's creation, pushing the boundaries of mobile video processing complexity.

Drawing inspiration from giants like Adobe Premiere Pro, MyBlender delivers professional-grade video processing through intuitive templates.

Powered by ThemeMaker, it enables non-coders to design captivating themes seamlessly online. With its vast array of effects, transitions, audio tools, and fast processing speeds, MyBlender sets a new benchmark in on-the-go video.

Technical Excellence Tailored for You

Our R&D Process

At HyperSense, our R&D is anchored in technical mastery and pragmatic innovation. We delve deep into the intricacies of software development, ensuring that our solutions are not just advanced, but also viable and aligned with your unique needs.

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Technical Discovery


Deep-dive into your specific challenges, understanding the technical landscape and infrastructure that your business operates within.


A well-defined technical context, laying the groundwork for innovative solutions tailored to your needs.

By immersing ourselves in your technical ecosystem, we are positioned to create solutions that are seamlessly integrated and add genuine value.


Understanding Your Ecosystem

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Hypothesis Formulation


Based on our findings, we formulate hypotheses to guide our R&D activities, ensuring they are directed towards meaningful and impactful innovations.


Clear, testable assumptions that steer our R&D efforts.

Our systematic approach ensures that our R&D endeavors are focused and yield tangible results that align with your business objectives.


Impactful Innovations

Testable Assumptions

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Proof of Concept (PoC) Creation


Develop a tangible prototype or model to validate our hypotheses, ensuring our ideas are both innovative and feasible.


A working PoC that provides a clear glimpse into the potential of the proposed solution.

By translating our hypotheses into tangible PoCs, we allow you to visualize the potential impact and benefits of our innovations for your business.


Tangible Prototype

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Assessing Technical Feasibility


Rigorously test the PoC within real-world scenarios, ensuring that the solution is technically viable and robust.


Validated solutions that are technically sound and ready for further development or deployment.

Our technical assessments ensure that the solutions we propose aren't just innovative but are also reliable and sustainable within your specific context.


Reliable Solutions

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Iterative Refinement


Refine and adapt based on feedback and testing results, ensuring that the final product is optimized for your environment.

A technically superior solution that has been polished to perfection.


Our iterative process guarantees that the solutions we deliver are not just technically proficient but are also finely tuned to serve your unique business needs.



You're not just getting a team of tech experts...

You're partnering with innovators dedicated to leveraging technology in ways that propel your business forward.

We're here to ensure that the technical brilliance we bring translates into tangible results for you.


R&D Approach

We firmly believe that behind every innovative solution and transformative project, a dedicated and passionate team is steering the helm.

With roots in premier universities from Eastern Europe to the US

From the rich tapestry of talent we nurture to the collaborative spirit we foster, the human touch drives our excellence.

Empowerment, continuous learning, and a genuine commitment to client success

This is how we ensure that every endeavor isn't just about technology but about crafting solutions that truly resonate.

Read More About Our Culture

Insights Into Emerging Technologies

Revolutionary Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in MedTech

Revolutionary Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in MedTech

Explore how Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing MedTech with enhanced clinical decision support, accelerated research, improved patient engagement, and more in this insightful article.

Transforming Healthcare: Key EHR Integrations for Enhanced Patient Care and Efficiency

Transforming Healthcare: Key EHR Integrations for Enhanced Patient Care and Efficiency

Explore essential EHR integrations that enhance patient care and operational efficiency in healthcare. Learn about telehealth, ePrescribing, CDS, and more to improve system interoperability.

A Complete Guide for Continuous Authentication

A Complete Guide for Continuous Authentication

Continuous Authentication (CA) revolutionizes security by monitoring user identity throughout sessions, reducing breaches and ensuring data compliance.

Contact us and get your project moving

Describe your needs to us and we’ll work together to craft the perfect software solution. Tell us your timeframes, your targets or KPIs, and any critical challenges or difficulties. You’re at the right place — our team is eager to study and prioritize next steps together with you.

Got a project in mind? Tell us more!

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