Product Discovery

Shape Your Ideas into Reality in Just Two Weeks

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2018
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ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2018
Forbes Business Council Association
HyperSense is Part of the Built In Expert Network
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Tmost promising mobile application solution provider from Cio Review badge
HyperSense Software Accredited Company on DesignRush
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Simplifying the Path to Product Discovery

We emphasize Cost-Effective Solutions , balancing quality and functionality within your set budget parameters.

We prioritize identifying robust data protection measures that align with your business’ legal and regulatory standards.

Our methodology zeroes in on maximizing return on investment , ensuring the envisioned software aligns with both business objectives and user demands.

Additionally, the phase involves laying the groundwork for stringent security protocols to shield against potential breaches and vulnerabilities.

The Impact

of our discovery workshop

Technical Viability Assessment

Through a comprehensive technological assessment, HSS assesses the feasibility of your envisioned product, considering current tech trends and capabilities, while offering expert advice on selecting the optimal technologies, frameworks, and platforms for its development.

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Customized Strategies

We focus on identifying and planning the potential custom features and functionalities that resonate with your business's distinct needs. By understanding your objectives and challenges, we ensure the proposed software blueprint aligns seamlessly.

We also proactively design for the future, laying the groundwork for a solution that can scale and uphold optimal performance as your requirements grow.

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Emphasizing future integration, we plan for the proposed solution to seamlessly mesh with existing systems, ensuring cohesive data flow and functionalities.

This phase also focuses on the strategic design of APIs, facilitating effective communication between your software and other platforms for a unified ecosystem.

Embarking on our
Discovery Workshop
journey yields tangible benefits for your business

User Experience (UX) Design

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By focusing on intuitive and user-friendly designs, we set the foundation for a product that meets your user expectations.

Additionally, we outline strategies for thorough UX testing to ensure the final product aligns seamlessly with user desires and behaviors.

Agile Development

We prioritize Agile Development, emphasizing adaptability and responsiveness.

Our approach encompasses strategies to swiftly respond to evolving requirements, promoting iterative development that fosters continuous enhancement based on feedback.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We emphasize Cost-Effective Solutions, balancing quality and functionality within your set budget parameters.

Our methodology zeroes in on maximizing return on investment, ensuring the envisioned software aligns with both business objectives and user demands.

Post-Launch Support

We lay the groundwork for Post-Launch Support, outlining a roadmap for sustained software performance. This encompasses ongoing maintenance, regular updates, and strategic upgrades, ensuring the solution remains both relevant and competitive in its lifecycle

Security Compliance

We prioritize identifying robust data protection measures that align with your business’ legal and regulatory standards.

Additionally, the phase involves laying the groundwork for stringent security protocols to shield against potential breaches and vulnerabilities.

Unearth the potential in your business challenges

Reach out to us to begin your journey to innovation, precision, and enduring success today

Our Discovery Workshop Process: A People-First Approach

The Discovery Workshop Process at HyperSense is meticulously crafted to ensure a people-first approach, valuing each client’s unique perspective and input. Our process is instrumental in comprehending the multifaceted nature of your business, facilitating a dialogue that revolves around collaboration and mutual respect.

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Introduction Call 30 minutes


Establish initial contact, introduce HyperSense values and methodologies, and gather preliminary insights into the client’s business.


A mutual understanding of the next steps in the workshop process.

Overview of the client's business, project stage assessment, technology constraints, and project scope determination.



Phase 1

Initial Understanding and Context Setting

30 minutes


Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the client's business, their objectives, and challenges.

A robust context and a clear starting point for the subsequent phases.



Team introduction, business introduction and context setting, software challenges identification, target audience identification, and competitor analysis.

Management / Product Owner
Design / Development

Phase 2

Research and Concept


Conduct extensive research and define main personas, focusing on high-level features and conceptualization

A high-fidelity concept for the main happy path, high-level feature overview, and identification of the main target audience.


Hi-Fi Concept

Define High-Level Features

Phase 3

Concept and Research Refinement

1.5 - 2 hours


Validate the initial solution with the customer, refine concepts, and adjust features as necessary.

An agreed-upon refined concept incorporating the customer’s feedback.



Hi-fi concept review, personas presentation, high-level feature overview validation, Q&A, and ideation.


PO / Design

Phase 4

High-Level Solution and Initial Estimate

60 minutes


Provide the customer with an initial estimate and present a high-level solution incorporating feedback.

High-level features’ overview, Epics and User Stories for the happy paths, and hi-fi concept.


Accurate UX estimation, rough development estimation, and presentation of the refined solution.





Our Discovery Workshop Process is anchored in principles that put people at the forefront:

Embrace Collaboration

We create an environment where ideas are shared freely, valuing the insights of our clients as much as our expertise.

Maintain Adaptability

We stay adaptable and proactive, welcoming changes and refining strategies to align with the client's objectives.

Educate and Empower

We aim to educate our clients about software solutions and the development process, ensuring they are well-informed and confident.

Our Latest Articles

Understanding IT Support Levels and Their Impact on Business Efficiency

Understanding IT Support Levels and Their Impact on Business Efficiency

Explore how IT support levels, from self-service to external support, streamline operations and improve customer satisfaction. Learn the importance of each level in enhancing business efficiency.

Key Considerations for a Successful Frontend Transition

Key Considerations for a Successful Frontend Transition

Transitioning to a new frontend requires careful planning. Learn how to assess your current setup, set clear objectives, and select the right technology stack for a seamless and effective upgrade.

Ensuring Software Quality and Stability Through Effective Regression Testing

Ensuring Software Quality and Stability Through Effective Regression Testing

Explore the importance of regression testing in software development. Learn how it ensures quality and stability by verifying that new changes don’t disrupt existing functionality.

Full-Stack Mobile App Development Services

Strategic Roadmap

We Provide

a clear and concise strategic roadmap, aligning your business objectives with the right technological solutions. This foundational document offers a high-level view of prioritized features, timelines, and opportunities, offering strategic clarity and direction for your project.

High-Fidelity Design Concept

We Deliver

a high-fidelity design concept to visually represent the envisioned solution. This concept focuses on principal features and user interactions, allowing a tangible and more informed understanding of the proposed solution’s look and functionality.

Validated Feature Set

We Refine and Validate

the initial feature set in collaboration with stakeholders. This ensures that every feature is user-centric and aligned with your business goals, paving the way for a solution that genuinely resonates with end-users and meets business objectives.

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Development Estimates

We Offer

provisional estimates of development timelines and costs. These insights guide informed decision-making and planning by giving an overview of the expected time and resources needed to bring the project to fruition.

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Personalized Action Plan

We Craft

a tailored action plan delineating the adaptable steps and strategies to transition your project forward. This actionable guide helps in navigating the project's progression, adjusting to evolving needs and market dynamics effectively.

Integration Strategy

We Design

a coherent integration strategy, detailing how the new software will interact with your existing systems and technology, ensuring seamless interoperability and reducing friction in implementation.

Monetization Strategy

We Guide

you in developing a robust monetization strategy, exploring viable revenue streams and business models to ensure the financial viability and sustainability of your software solution.

Contact us and get your project moving

Describe your needs to us and we’ll work together to craft the perfect software solution. Tell us your timeframes, your targets or KPIs, and any critical challenges or difficulties. You’re at the right place — our team is eager to study and prioritize next steps together with you.

Got a project in mind? Tell us more!

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