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Differences Between Prototypes and MVPs in Product Development

by Dan Negrea
39 minutes read
Prototype vs. MVP- Key Differences

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In today’s swiftly evolving tech sector, adopting a systematic strategy for developing a product from initial thoughts is crucial. Two crucial phases often come up in product development discussions: Models play a key role alongside Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). They fulfill different purposes, but companies frequently must pay more attention to their differences in custom software creations. Comprehending their differences is crucial for transforming concepts into suitable and ready-for-sale products.

This article will examine the distinctions between prototypes and MVPs in the product development process and the significance of choosing the finest alternative at a suitable point for your benefit.

Definitions: Prototype and MVPs

product development lifecycle


A prototype is an initial version of a product designed to evaluate a concept or design before starting extensive development. Varieties of prototypes extend from simple hand-drawn designs to functional models that provide users with hands-on interaction with the planned product. The key purpose involves demonstrating and assessing ideas to validate hypotheses with users or stakeholders.


In software creation, a prototype might represent a functional wireframe or a basic user interface that imitates how an end-user would interact while lacking comprehensive back-end functions. Clients and designers can swiftly modify and generate these models to facilitate changes based on input.

Prototyping allows companies to answer critical questions early in the development process:

  • Can we make the suggested solution possible?
  • Is the design suitable for users?
  • Might there be any unforeseen obstacles?

Testing early and receiving feedback can significantly reduce company expenses since alterations performed during prototyping usually cost less than those made post-development. A report from McKinsey indicates that over 50% of software projects surpass their budgets, mainly due to surprising difficulties encountered in the development process. By tackling these challenges early on, prototyping lessens the risk involved.

Types of Prototype

There are different types of prototypes, each serving distinct purposes:

  • With exploratory prototypes, designers can test different design concepts and how users interact with them.
  • To assess certain functions or technical features, designers utilize experimental prototypes.
  • Operational prototypes imitate actual use while lacking complete feature functionality to showcase the product’s future performance.

The Role of Prototypes in Product Development

In product development, prototypes act as vital elements for testing ideas. They serve a vital function during idea generation and planning. With a physical model in place, stakeholders can understand the product and give valuable suggestions instead of theoretical thoughts. A well-executed prototype allows businesses to:

  • Assess and confirm assumptions ahead of starting costly construction.
  • Obtain user comments promptly to achieve incremental changes.
  • Illustrate the product to investors or other stakeholders in an attractive way.

Rather than merely being a visual asset prototype, it is a key instrument that minimizes risk and enhances judgment.

What is an MVP?

An MVP is a product that offers only the crucial capabilities essential for satisfying the core demands of its target group. Where a prototype just serves as a demonstration, an MVP works as a working solution that can reach users for real-time feedback. Validating a product’s market potential is the chief objective of an MVP before substantial investment in total development.

Eric Ries presented the idea of the MVP in his book The Lean Startup. Ries highlighted how crucial validated learning is—a method that uses actual user input to shape future product updates. Businesses can develop their products accurately by using actual user engagement as a guide, thanks to the MVP as a learning basis.

The MVP idea has gained significant traction as lean startup techniques highlight fast product rollouts and consistent updates informed by user responses. Research from CB Insights shows that 42% of startups do not succeed because they launch products lacking market demand. Employing an MVP helps businesses assess the attractiveness of their product without heavily funding all the additional details.

The Functionality of an MVP in Software Development

The purpose of an MVP is to deliver basic features in software development. An MVP offers only fundamental capabilities for early adopters to experience and comment on the product. For example, while developing an e-commerce platform, your MVP may contain only basic features, including a shopping cart and delivery payment. Later in development, new capabilities, including AI-driven advice and extensive reviews, might be incorporated per client requirements.

Here’s how an MVP functions within the broader scope of product development:

  • Market Validation: The MVP is distributed to a targeted group to check user interest and collect information market-wide. Customer insights influence the direction of the product.
  • Iterative Development: Using input from the MVP stage, developers can modify the product to align with real user interactions and confirm that upcoming releases more precisely fulfill customer requirements.
  • Risk Reduction: If businesses prioritize key features and implement the product swiftly, they can lower the chance of wasting resources on an unsuccessful product.

For more insights, check Developing a Successful Minimum Viable Product (MVP): A Comprehensive Guide.

Differences between a Prototype and an MVP

differences between a prototype and mvp

Though prototypes and MVPs strive to validate ideas and mitigate risk, they function as separate components in the product creation process. Their fundamental variations are found in their objectives and user groups.

Purpose and Goals: Prototypes exist mainly to test the viability of ideas. They allow internal teams or chosen users to imagine and adjust ideas before engaging in large-scale production. Unlike prototypes for idea testing, an MVP is geared toward market approval. The purpose is to determine if the product has a genuine need by presenting it to approachable users.

Audience: Limited users or stakeholders generally receive prototypes to offer the first insights. The broader market receives MVPs to get perspectives from genuine users.

Functionality and Features: A prototype may not function completely; it typically emphasizes evaluating design or particular elements. An MVP has to fulfill important functions accurately. It must fulfill its basic function for the users.

Cost and Resources: Prototyping is generally economical due to the simplification of models used for testing ideas. Creating an MVP takes additional investment since it requires the design of a product capable of functioning and being assessed in a real market environment.

Feedback and Iteration: Feedback on the design and usability mostly comes from prototypes. MVPs gather data on user interactions and market preferences to shape upcoming changes in the product.

When to Use a Prototype?

During product design and development, prototyping is a significant asset that brings several advantages at different points in the process. Here are key scenarios where using a prototype can be particularly advantageous:

Early Concept Exploration

Visualizing ideas that are not yet fully developed: At the beginning of creating a product, concepts frequently lack clarity and are incomplete. These early concepts come to life through prototypes, which enable teams to examine different avenues. By refining ideas and identifying potential enhancements, we can confirm the practicality of the concept before initiating more advanced development.

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Design and Usability Testing

Assessing user interactions and improving UI/UX: Testing design and usability relies heavily on the value of prototypes. Developers mimic user interactions through interactive models and receive feedback regarding the user interface and user experience. This technique allows for detecting usability difficulties and analyzing user actions to implement vital improvements for the user experience. Using prototypes for continuous testing ensures the final product is straightforward and appealing to users.

Internal Stakeholder Alignment

Ensuring all team members have a shared vision: Prototypes are vital for bringing internal stakeholders into agreement. With a visual and interactive prototype in place, team members, including developers, designers, and business stakeholders, understand the project vision together. Collaboration relies on this unification for compelling interactions and clear messaging to lower the chance of disputes and guarantee that everyone shares the same aim.

Risk Mitigation in Development

Identifying potential issues before significant investment: A major advantage of prototyping is reducing risks. In the early stages of development, teams spot and tackle potential challenges by building and assessing prototypes. This preemptive tactic avoids high-cost errors and confirms the product’s effectiveness while reducing the odds of major difficulties in later portions of the development process. Through prototyping, decision-making improves, and the efficient use of resources increases.

When to use an MVP?

 As a fundamental part of product innovation, an MVP is crucial for determining a product’s practicality with few resources. Here are key scenarios where using an MVP can be particularly beneficial:

Market Demand Testing

Validating if there’s a market need for the product: Before committing substantial funds to extensive development, you must ensure actual demand for your product. With an MVP in hand, you can release a minimal version of your product to the public to assess interest and prove the necessity of your concept. Monitoring the reactions of potential buyers to the MVP allows you to choose whether to advance to additional development or modify your plan.

Gathering Real User Data

Analyzing user engagement and feature usage: With an MVP, you can obtain user insights and evaluate consumer interactions with your product. Monitoring user interaction with features allows you to collect important information on successes and failures. Adopting this analytical strategy lets you discover the key features users value, enabling you to focus on development and decide wisely on upcoming product updates.

Early Revenue Generation

Starting cash flow to fund further development: With an MVP in place, you can create early profits to finance further progress. With a functioning product with key features, you can pull in paying users and establish a customer base. Using this early income for the product, you can drive ongoing enhancements and feature growth informed by user input and market trends.

Pivoting Business Models

Adjusting strategies based on market feedback: With an MVP, you test several parts of your business model while collecting user feedback. Should the first product fail to connect with users as anticipated, you can use the information from the MVP to change your approach. An MVP allows you to alter the focus on your audience, enhance your value proposition and pricing, and refine your approach using actual user responses.

Types of Prototypes

Prototyping is an important part of product creation since it enables groups to demonstrate and analyze their ideas before undertaking extensive building efforts. Multiple types of prototypes fulfill specific roles and deliver individual benefits. Here, we explore two primary types: high-fidelity prototypes and low-fidelity types.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes

Quick and inexpensive: Often designed with straightforward instruments like whiteboards or paper alternatives, low-fidelity prototypes represent a product in its simplest form. The quick generation of these prototypes consumes few resources, making them perfect for the early stages of product development.

Useful for brainstorming sessions: Low-fidelity prototypes play a crucial role in brainstorming sessions. Teams can swiftly design ideas and examine alternative concepts free from complex details. Such flexibility promotes inventiveness and partnership between team members and permits quick improvements in ideas. Focusing on product structure and flow allows low-fidelity prototypes to reveal potential problems and new chances right at the beginning of development.

High-Fidelity Prototypes

More detailed and closer to the final product: High-fidelity prototypes present more specific details and are interactive; they are typically crafted using expert tools like Sketch and Figma. These prototypes nearly mirror the end product in terms of design features and user experience. The prototypes precisely represent the product, enabling teams to check precise features and user interactions in an actual environment.

Suitable for usability testing: High-fidelity prototypes are the optimal selection for usability testing purposes. By replicating the final product’s design elements and interactions, these prototypes help developers evaluate user feedback and the overall experience. Improvement opportunities can be detected by using high-fidelity prototypes to test usability issues. The result is that the completed product becomes clear and fulfills the expectations of its target audience.

MVP Development Strategies

Creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) requires different approaches that help confirm product concepts using limited assets. Here are three effective MVP development strategies: Piecemeal MVP, Concierge MVP, and Wizard of Oz MVP.

Concierge MVP

Manually fulfilling services to test demand: With the Concierge MVP approach, services are offered personally to evaluate the demand for a product. To deliver the service to customers effectively, the team completes tasks manually rather than constructing an automated system. Such a strategy lets users interact with the team directly and gives significant knowledge about their interests and tastes.

Example: Consider a venture looking to launch an exclusive meal delivery service. Instead of focusing on an elaborate app, they could take orders through a straightforward website or via calls. Engaging directly with users permits verification of service demand and collects insights regarding meal choices and delivery methods.

Wizard of Oz MVP

Users believe they are interacting with a fully functional system. The Wizard of Oz MVP approach creates a false sense of a complete system by executing the backend operations by hand. Users face a product they perceive as automated; however, the team completes the processes manually.

Example: Imagine a firm creating an AI-driven chatbot for customer service. Rather than initially establishing the complete AI framework, they could design a chatbot through which users can communicate. The replies come from human workers acting like the AI software. By utilizing this method, the group tests how users react and collects information regarding usual questions to improve the chatbot’s reply while deferring significant investment in AI technology.

Piecemeal MVP

Combining existing tools to offer a new service: This strategy uses current tools and technologies to build a new service. Furthermore, the group unites several readymade applications to provide fundamental capabilities for the service.

Example: To establish an online marketplace for handmade products, a startup could adopt platforms like Shopify for its storefront and PayPal for conducting payments. By combining these tools, they can swiftly introduce the marketplace and invite customer interest. Using this strategy, they can test their business model and obtain user responses without high upfront costs for custom programming.

Case Studies

Prototype Success Stories

Apple’s Early Product Designs

The success of Apple’s transformation into a tech leader shows how important prototyping can be. During the early 1980s, Apple utilized prototyping to investigate and enhance its product concepts. Developing the first Macintosh involved many prototypes that assisted the team in envisioning and enhancing the design and function. These basic prototypes played a vital part in forming the inviting interface and refined appearance that Apple is celebrating for now. Through the iterative design phase that involved prototypes, Apple managed to create significant products like the MacBook and iPhone.

Boeing’s Aircraft Models

Boeing relies on prototypes as a key component of its process for creating aircraft. The firm uses different prototypes, such as scale models and complete mockups, to assess and confirm the design and safety of its aircraft. The Boeing 777X project uses several prototype aircraft that play unique roles in testing and certification. Testing in simulated situations confirms that these prototypes adhere to safety guidelines and operate effectively in distinct conditions. Boeing’s careful development of prototypes allows it to introduce reliable and effective aircraft onto the market.

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MVP Success Stories

Dropbox’s Explainer Video

The beginning of Dropbox’s ascent from a promising concept to a leading cloud storage service was through an MVP Explainer video. The team at Dropbox made a video illustrating the essential functions of their planned service before creating the actual technology. This video clearly expressed the value and attracted considerable interest, which increased beta sign-ups. With the help of this MVP, which confirmed demand, Dropbox gained financial backing and developed a product for its users. This approach demonstrates how crucial it is to confirm concepts before putting considerable resources into extensive development.

Airbnb’s Initial Website

Airbnb’s founders tested their market idea with a simple MVP: a simple site named Airbedandbreakfast.com. During a conference when hotels were sold out, users on this initial platform booked air mattresses in the founders’ apartments. The MVP confirmed the idea by drawing in users and producing reservations showing a need for inexpensive temporary accommodation. As a result of these early wins, Airbnb enhanced its platform, secured funding, and transformed into its current global lodging leader.

The case studies demonstrate the major influence that prototypes and MVPs play in creating products. With these instruments, businesses can test their ideas and obtain essential feedback that results in thriving and original offerings.

How Prototypes and MVPs Complement Each Other

Sequential Development

To begin the development phase, teams usually produce a prototype to demonstrate and confirm concepts before proceeding to the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). With prototypes, teams can check ideas and explore design alternatives without heavily investing in full development resources. Once a prototype enhances the product’s design and functionality, a team will develop and release an MVP that solicits feedback from genuine market users. With this systematic strategy, only accepted concepts can advance to the MVP phase to assess their market demand and usability.

Iterative Improvements

Together, prototypes and MVPs provide ways to support continual progress. In the prototype phase, select users and internal stakeholders will generate comments on design and functionality. With the launch of an MVP, participants provide valuable insights into how the product behaves when used in the real world. Information from both processes is important for developing and perfecting the product. A prototype’s feedback may prompt updates in design; in contrast, the MVP phase might uncover incomplete features or issues related to usability. This repeated loop supports constant upgrades while guaranteeing that the launch product fulfills technical standards and the market’s needs.

User-Centric Design Principles

The attention throughout the development journey must center on user-oriented design, starting with prototypes and moving to MVPs. By enabling early usability tests with prototypes, businesses can verify that user requirements are met in design and functionality. When transforming the product into an MVP and making it available to users, companies will acquire real user information, showing that the product effectively resolves important market problems. When businesses prioritize user needs throughout the process, they can develop products that enhance user experience and increase satisfaction. By integrating prototypes with MVPs, businesses emphasize user demands throughout the product development lifecycle.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

prototype common pitfalls

Over-Engineering the Prototype

A typical blunder during product development is devoting too much effort and funds to perfecting unwanted aspects of the prototype. A prototype rapidly assesses ideas and obtains input to make improvements; it is not designed to create a finished product. Complexifying the prototype may distract from the key features that require verification and slow down required responses. Prototypes must be kept straightforward and useful to obtain essential information for the next phase while minimizing waste on embellishments or unneeded assets.

Misidentifying the Target Audience

One trap is failing to identify the target audience for prototypes or MVPs correctly. Involving an unsuitable audience in testing can produce feedback that is either irrelevant or deceptive. Should a product aim at a specialized market yet be tested by a mixed group of users, the comments may not show the real interests or difficulties of the desired users. Finding and connecting with a suitable target audience is key to collecting useful insights that facilitate impactful progress.

Ignoring User Feedback

Failing to consider user responses is an important fault that might lead to missed opportunities for advancement. Prototypes and MVPs collect user insights, and not using that input can create a product that doesn’t align with user demands. Hearing user insights and focusing on their feedback is crucial to direct future versions correctly. Refrain from discarding this significant data to create dissatisfied user encounters and finally lead to the collapse of the product.

Skipping the Prototype Phase

A few businesses may bypass the prototype step and create an MVP. If this is viewed as a time-saving strategy, it can considerably elevate the associated risks. Creating prototypes permits the early assessment of designs and capabilities to recognize and address likely challenges before substantial funding is allocated. Neglecting this step typically produces unknown difficulties in MVP development that can be highly costly to solve. Prototyping examines and enhances the product concept early in the process before launching into intensive development phases.

Best Practices

Incorporating top practices in product design can effectively increase the effectiveness and success of your undertakings. Here are some key practices to consider:

Aligning Objectives with Development Stage

Setting clear goals for prototypes and MVPs: You need to synchronize your goals with the designated stage of development. Often, prototypes aim to assess and approve design alternatives while uncovering issues and obtaining early reactions. Objectives may roll out as testing user interfaces and shaping visual concepts. MVPs require a shift in attention to prove the product concept, gain actual user insights, and produce preliminary profits. Creating targeted and relevant goals for different development stages makes each phase significant and cohesive with the project’s mission.

Involving Stakeholders Early

Encouraging collaboration and buy-in: Bringing stakeholders into the initial development stages promotes cooperation and confirms that everyone is on the same page about the project goals. Stakeholders such as team members, investors, and prospective users often share insights that drive the product’s evolution. Participating from the start encourages acceptance and aid, minimizes the likelihood of conflicts, and confirms seamless project development. Maintaining stakeholder engagement requires frequent updates and the availability of transparent communication paths.

Leveraging Lean Methodologies

Focusing on efficiency and value creation: In lean methodologies, value generation goes hand in hand with efficiency and constant enhancement. When teams apply lean methods, they can improve their processes efficiently, reduce waste, and concentrate on providing user value. Adjustments will occur gradually using user insights and performance metrics in this process. Experimentation and learning are promoted by lean methodologies, which help teams adjust to evolving market conditions and user requirements efficiently. Leaning into lean methods is facilitated by Kanban boards and recurring stand-up meetings.

Setting Measurable Goals

Defining KPIs for success evaluation: Defining specific objectives is important for determining the success of your prototypes and MVPs. Using KPIs creates a distinct method for measuring progress and recognizing improvements that should be made. Prototypes may require KPIs such as user satisfaction levels, test data, and the total of identified design flaws. MVPs may utilize user acquisition metrics along with customer retention and revenue generation. Creating and observing these KPIs facilitates informed decisions derived from data and ensures product development matches the organizational objectives.

Tools and Technologies

Choosing the appropriate tools and technologies can greatly boost productivity and result in product development. This section covers vital tools and technologies for prototype development and MVP creation.

For Prototyping

Design tools for creating visual prototypes:

  • Sketch: Sketch is a leading design tool that is designed to produce high-quality prototypes. It delivers several capabilities for working with vectors and cooperative design. Sketch attracts designers because of its simple interface and diverse plugin features for building thorough and animated prototypes.
  • Figma: With its collaboration tools, Figma lets diverse team members work on a single design at once. It also allows vector graphics and prototyping design systems, making it a complete solution for developing and assessing visual prototypes. Figma’s online setup keeps projects available and ensures their availability in real-time.
  • Adobe XD: Adobe XD provides another capable user interface design and prototyping solution. It includes options for repeat grids and dynamic resizing, which allow designers to create innovative and interactive prototypes. Adobe XD’s integration with other Adobe applications in Creative Cloud completes the design process.
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For MVP Development

Agile Frameworks

For iterative development:

  • Scrum: Scrum’s framework focuses on collaborative and flexible iterative development. The development process splits into small sprints that usually last two to four weeks. Every sprint aims to produce an incrementally deployable product. By fostering continual assessment and evolving strategies, Scrum is perfectly suited for developing Minimum Viable Products.
  • Kanban: Kanban operates as a dynamic framework that prioritizes task depiction and controls the number of active projects. A Kanban board is employed to follow tasks and guarantee uninterrupted work progression. Whenever a project needs change, [Kanban] can alter it accordingly. It supports teams in effectively organizing their tasks and choosing important work as they introduce minor upgrades to the MVP.

Rapid Development Platforms

No-code/low-code solutions like Bubble.io:

Bubble.io: Bubble.io permits users to construct web applications completely free from code. It supplies an intuitive layout for formulating and designing engineering applications for non-technical audiences. Bubble.io delivers many functionalities, including database handling, authenticating users, and API connections. This swift development tool helps groups rapidly produce and refine MVPs while lowering market launch times and expenses.

The Future of Prototyping and MVPs

Virtual and Augmented Reality Prototyping: Adding Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to prototyping transforms how products are designed and evaluated. With these advancements, designers can construct captivating prototypes that can be interacted with in a virtual 3D setting. It improves how the product looks and provides instant input and modifications. By utilizing virtual representations of structures, architects assist clients and product designers in experimenting with the functions of new gadgets. This movement transforms prototyping into a lively and captivating process that minimizes the time and expenditure of previous techniques.

Impact of AI and Machine Learning 

Automating User Testing and Data Analysis: The approach to user testing and data analysis is being reshaped by AI and ML. These technologies can automate the collection and assessment of user insights, resulting in quicker results than hands-on techniques. AI systems can role-play user actions, discover patterns, and anticipate challenges that trigger fast updates and better prototyping. An AI tool can assess user behavior information to suggest design improvements that optimize user experience. This process automation quickens the making of prototypes while ensuring that the final product responds better to user expectations.

Remote Collaboration Tools

Enabling Global Teams to Work Effectively: As remote work increases in popularity, teamwork tools are now crucial for groups located in various areas. Software solutions, including Microsoft Teams and Zoom, promote instant exchanges and teamwork, aiding groups in creating prototypes and MVPs. Platforms like Miro and Figma permit several users to engage in design projects together and exchange feedback while making adjustments instantly. These tools tear down location obstacles and allow multifaceted teams to present their diverse viewpoints in the prototyping stage and see that the top ideas shape the ultimate output.

Prototypes and MVPs: The Blueprint for Innovation and Success

In product development efforts, prototypes and MVPs serve unique and interdependent purposes. Prototypes aim to validate concepts and improve design, while functional MVPs perform market tests. Combining these elements supports a consecutive development flow that reduces risk and fosters constant upgrades.

When teams combine best practices like early stakeholder involvement, agile techniques, and advanced tools, they can enhance development and build products prioritizing user needs. As innovations like VR/AR prototyping and AI testing grow in popularity, the effectiveness and flexibility of product creation will focus even more on users.

Contact us today to explore how our customized software solutions can help turn your vision into a reality with smart, efficient product development.

Additional Resources

Books, Articles, and Courses 

  • “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries: This book is a foundational resource for understanding the principles of creating MVPs and iterating based on user feedback.
  • Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love” by Marty Cagan: This book provides deep insights into product management and the importance of understanding customer needs.
  • Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days” by Jake Knapp: This book outlines a unique approach to prototyping and testing ideas quickly.
  • Online Courses on Product Development: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX offer various courses on product development, prototyping, and MVPs. For example, Coursera’s “Product Management” course by the University of Virginia covers these topics extensively. Udemy also offers classes like “MVP Development for Startups,” which focus on the practical steps of creating MVPs.

Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

  • Steve Blank: Known for his work on customer development and lean startup methodologies, Steve Blank’s blog and talks provide valuable insights into creating prototypes and MVPs. His book “The Four Steps to the Epiphany” is also a must-read.
  • Marty Cagan: As a partner at Silicon Valley Product Group, Marty Cagan shares his expertise on product management and development through his blog and books such as “Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love”.
  • Jake Knapp: Creator of the Design Sprint process, Jake Knapp’s work focuses on rapid prototyping and testing. His book “Sprint” and various talks provide practical advice on implementing these techniques.
  • Eric Ries: Besides his book The Lean Startup, Eric Ries frequently speaks and writes about lean methodologies and MVPs. His blog and talks are valuable resources for anyone interested in these concepts.

What is a prototype?

What does an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) mean?

In what ways do prototypes and MVPs vary in their aims?

At what point is a prototype appropriate?

When should I use an MVP?

Can a prototype transform into an MVP?

Which option should I choose between a prototype and an MVP?

In what way do AI and Machine Learning shape prototyping and MVP creation?

In what way do remote collaboration tools affect the design of prototypes and MVPs?

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