Home » How to Become a Better Software Development Consultant, Improve Your Listening Skills in Six Ways

How to Become a Better Software Development Consultant, Improve Your Listening Skills in Six Ways

by Dragos Ruse
Published: Updated: 6 minutes read

Listening is one crucial consulting ability that is sometimes disregarded. We’re referring to genuine active listening, which involves paying attention to the client. In software development consultancy this is a key element – our job is to understand the customer’s vision so that the software we develop matches and enhances it.

Many software development consultants place a lot of emphasis on demonstrating to customers their breadth of knowledge. They get so preoccupied with their expertise that they fail to notice the fact that all they can hear is themselves speaking. After this, they will say that they listened to the customers and understood what they wanted. However, they preferred to listen to themselves talk rather than hear what their client had to say about wanting to build a new web or mobile app for their business. They’ve actually lost out on an opportunity to forge a closer bond with their customer.

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The Importance of Listening in Software Development

Everyone seeks acceptance. Is it me you hear? Could you see me? A great method to build trust in software consultancy with your customers is to listen to them. They are seeking indicators that you truly comprehend their issue and are prepared to collaborate together to find a software solution. You may demonstrate that you are addressing their needs first by actually listening to them in order to be able to create a digital product that meets their company’s needs.

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Excellent software consulting leaders must have the ability to offer active listening. It expands the body of know-how while opening up new avenues for learning. Conflict resolution builds solid partnerships in software development. It encourages participation in problem-solving. Also, it enables you to demonstrate empathy through interactions with your customers; this is the importance of listening in software development.

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How to Listen More Effectively in Software Development

You can improve your ability in software consulting to listen actively by adhering to a few straightforward procedures.

1. Get Rid of Distractions

You must give your undivided attention to your client to truly listen.

  • Avoid engaging in any additional talks.
  • Turn off all gizmos on your computer (avoid emails, text messages, or Slack messages).
  • Put personal distractions to rest (eliminate hunger, thirst, or personal preoccupations).
  • Prevent creating a negative reply; while the client is speaking, do not construct a counter-argument.

To be a truly outstanding listener in the software development industry, you must even put note-taking aside while the customer is speaking. Oprah Winfrey is widely regarded as the epitome of a great listener. Have you ever noticed her writing notes while her guest was talking? This is exactly what our software consultants also do at HyperSense.

2. Avoid Making Predictions

We occasionally find ourselves thinking about finishing our interlocutor’s sentences because we anticipate something they might say next. While we may be correct, particularly if we know the client well, this is a trap. We’re not offering the needed attention to what he is telling us. Rather, we’re anticipating them and making our own decisions about what comes next. When a customer comes to HyperSense looking for consulting his business, in the need of a tailored software solution, we always listen completely to all the aspects of his matter.

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3. Use Your Sight and Your Body to Engage

Establish eye contact with your client. Adjust your body position towards facing them. Regardless of whether they are looking at you when they speak, you must remain focused on them. Observe their body language while offering your full attention. Nonverbal cues from the speaker account for 55% of the information we absorb. Our consultants at HyperSense Software have proved they’re mastery over the years by collaborating with satisfied customers who also returned to invest in another software application for their businesses.

4. Request Information

This may appear to be self-evident, but it is the distinction between average and outstanding software consultants. The idea is to request more information from the client. You want to assist them in telling their story and maintaining their thought process, as well as to broaden the source of meaning. At HyperSense, we always request information before providing action to build a new software product.

5. Summarize What You’ve Learned

An excellent listener in the software development industry excels in this situation. Your purpose is to clarify your customer’s message by restating it differently. This strengthens your connection with the client and demonstrates that you give attention fully.

Avoid interrupting the interlocutor while they are communicating. You would like your customer to finish their story without getting lost or confused. You want to demonstrate that you appreciate them and have heard them completely, before giving your IT consulting advice regarding their will to create a software application that works in the favor of their company.

6. Maintain Silence

There is strength in stillness. After you’ve asked that question and repeated what you’ve heard, silence allows your partner to gather their ideas. It enables them to react without being interrupted.

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Clients are often bothered by silence and will try to fill it. Maintain silence to honor the interlocutor and reflect on what you’ve listened to, this way you’ll be able to discover what you’re dealing with before beginning the software development process.

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The typical person speaks around 125-175 words each minute, but we can hear up to 450. That’s the reason why we can absorb far more than just what the customer says.

We are instructed to listen as children but are not trained on how to listen. Luckily, while practicing, we can increase our listening abilities. And the progress made can represent the distinction between being a decent software consultant and an excellent software consultant.

Consultancy Fueled by HyperSense Software

As a leading software development company, HyperSense Software puts a great accent on outstanding consultancy provided right from the beginning and throughout the process of designing and developing your software application. Everything you have to say is important to us, as we pay close attention to identifying all your needs, even the ones that haven’t been spoken. This is how we build excellent trust that keeps the collaboration with our clients ongoing for longer periods and on multiple software projects as well. If you would like to benefit from our consultancy services, book a meeting with us, and let’s start a conversation about your future software product.

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