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How Medical Robotics Are Transforming Surgery and Patient Care

by Dan Negrea
22 minutes read
Most Innovative Advanced Medical Robotics

In the world of continuous advancements in healthcare, smart medical robotics is spearheading the innovative front. These high-tech machines are changing patient management, surgical precision, and diagnostic facilities. 

Several recent statistics illustrate the increasing popularity of medical robots across the globe. The worldwide medical robotics market is estimated to be USD 16 billion in 2024 and is forecasted to keep rising to USD 33.8 billion by 2029. Telesurgery and nanobots are not just technological wonders, but they are changing the way healthcare is provided. 

Further, we will be diving into the realm of the future of medicine in which precision combines with software advancement. Additionally, you can check 5 Things to Know About the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) in Modern Healthcare for more information.

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Moxi: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Autonomous Assistance

In the bustling corridors of hospitals, where time is of the essence and patient care is paramount, a silent yet efficient helper has emerged: Moxie. Diligent Robotics, the Moxi manufacturer, has not just developed another robot but is a game-changer for healthcare automation. 

The Impact of Moxi

Moxi has a specific focus on relieving clinical workers from non-patient tasks and routine ones. Imagine a robot that tirelessly runs errands, fetches supplies, and delivers lab samples – all while allowing nurses and doctors to focus on what truly matters: their patients. Moxi’s mission is defined as delivering time back, easing the pressure on the existing team, and improving overall hospital efficiency.

Key Features and Functionality

Social Intelligence and Navigation

  • Elevator Whisperer: Moxi skillfully operates lift buttons and moves through the hospital floors without obstructing human movement around the hospital.
  • Door Diplomat: It effortlessly opens doors without knocking out anyone or objects in the crowded corridors.
  • Selfie-Ready: Indeed, you have read that correctly! Moxi happily smiles at the camera, which makes her seem like she is a close friend of the customers. 

Mobile Manipulation

Moxi’s dexterous arm and hand allow it to perform a wide range of tasks:

  • Grab and Pull: Whether it’s bringing in supplies or moving objects, Moxi’s soft touch assures accuracy.
  • Object Guidance: It can direct the goods to their designated places, thus optimizing the work process.

Human-Guided Learning

Moxi learns from its human colleagues:

  • Adaptability: In line with the changes in the hospitals’ workflow, Moxi readjusts. With the outbreak of COVID-19, the company swiftly changed its course to transport personal protective equipment (PPE) and lab samples wherever they were required.
  • Environment Awareness: The more Moxi explains its environment, the more it can learn about hospital processes.

Immediate Deployment and Impact

  • Fast Implementation: Within 12 weeks from its launch, Moxi is operational and offers assistance to frontline employees from day one.
  • End-to-End Autonomy: It works as a partner, executing tasks without human involvement.
  • Proactive Assistance: Moxi provides for the staff’s needs without being asked.
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Hospitals face increasing demands and nurse shortages every day. Moxi is like a new dawn in the hospital. Its AI-assisted technologies, supported by the latest sensors and cameras, result in a merged system of technology and compassion. Diligent Robotics has created a professional partner, a companion that never stops, taking one task at a time, to supplement the healthcare heroes.

Symani Surgical System: Pioneering Precision in Microsurgery

In the delicate world of surgery, where precision is a deciding factor between success and complications, the Symani Surgical System comes forth as a trend-setting innovation. MMI (Medical Microinstruments) has designed this device specifically for microsurgery and super microsurgery, which is necessary for the specific nature of delicate anatomical structures such as arteries and veins.

The Symani Advantage

Micro Scale Accuracy 

The Symani Surgical System has the world’s smallest wristed instruments for open surgery with micro-scale precision. These tiny tools let surgeons visit tiny vessels and tissues with a precision that cannot be paralleled. The system is easily used for stitching blood vessels, repairing nerves, or performing lymphatic procedures.

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Enhanced Control and Ergonomics

Surgeons who use Symani go through a compelling transition in control and ergonomics. The system’s wristed tools let you move naturally, just like your hands. While the tremor reduction technology makes it possible to work with even such fragile structures as 0.3mm in diameter, the learning curve becomes more rapid as surgeons gain confidence in their ability to carry out more complex procedures.

Clinical Applications

Breast Reconstruction

Treatment for breast cancer often involves breast reconstruction as the next step. Symani is the first device that enables surgeons to operate the autologous breast reconstruction procedure with greater control and precision by using a patient’s own tissue. The technique of decreasing vessel sizes and manipulating tissue all leads to the best results after breast cancer.

Lymphedema Treatment

Lymphedema, a condition characterized by abnormally elevated interstitial pressure due to inefficient lymphatic drainage, has no effective surgical intervention. Symani will be the first to bring this surgical exploration to super microsurgery treatment lymphatic vessel repairs.

Symani, by decreasing thrombosis in the preclinical studies and reducing hand tremors by up to 20X, protects from thrombosis and thrombotic events.

Head and Neck Reconstruction

Reconstruction forms a crucial part of head and neck cancer treatment as it is necessary for normal functioning and overall well-being. Symani’s enhanced precision and better ergonomics facilitate the practitioner’s implication in intricate procedures.

Trauma Reconstruction

Replantation of severed fingers or reconstructing the damaged tissue very frequently requires microsurgery. Symani gives surgeons the confidence to restore body parts to aid in the recovery of patients and achieve functional results.

As Symani continues to redefine the boundaries of what’s achievable in microsurgery, we witness a new era of healthcare. MMI’s dedication to changing the impossible is evident in every delicate incision made by Symani.

Xenco Medical: Leading the Surgical Innovations realm

The healthcare technology scene is rapidly changing. Xenco Medical is a leading company in this environment, pushing the limits of what is available. Xenco’s remarkable inventions, featured in Fast Company Magazine’s list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies, are setting new standards for surgical solutions and clinical outcomes.

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WiFi-Integrated Surgical Vending Machines

Picture the healthcare system where medical consumables are catered through WIFI vending machines. Xenco Medical is a company that has made this dream a reality. These machines are smart enough to monitor Xenco’s implant systems stock levels in real-time. Surgeons can reach the precise tool they need at a precise time. No more delays, no more guesswork – just fully efficient smart supply management. The introduction of this innovation ensures smooth surgical workflows, reduces waste, and eliminates the situation when implants are not available

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HoloMedX: Virtual Surgery Simulation without Glasses.

Xenco Medical’s HoloMedX platform is a game changer in the field of spine surgery. Imagine being able to replicate a whole spinal surgery in holographic space without wearing heavy headgear or glasses! Here’s how it works:

  • Looking Glass Light Field Display: It is HoloMedX that integrates this revolutionary technology and interprets DICOM data (such as CT and MRI scans) into three-dimensional and interactive holographic models.
  • Virtual Spinal Implants: Surgeons can now practice intricate procedures by using virtual spinal implants based on Xenco Medical’s actual implants. The holographic environment enables them to visualize and plan surgeries with an unprecedented level of precision.
  • Hands-On Learning: HoloMedX is the gap filler between theory and practice. Surgeons can work on virtual implants, simulate incisions, and perfect their skills in infinite three-dimensional space.

Real-World Impact

Xenco Medical’s innovations go beyond theory. They increase operative effectiveness, elevate patient care, and enable surgical teams to surge.

  • Multilevel CerviKit: The logistics of streamlined, optimized spinal devices have revolutionized outpatient surgery centers. By reducing the sterilization and reprocessing of metal-based spinal systems between each surgery, Xenco Medical has greatly reduced the operation turnover time.
  • Value-Based Approach: Xenco’s sterile-packed spinal implants, which are attached to disposable, composite polymer delivery instruments, embody the principle of value-based care. It’s all about providing quality while maximizing the use of resources.

Concentric Tube Robots for Minimally Invasive Surgery

CTR-type MIS robots are a promising option for minimally invasive surgery. Witnessing the robots working in harmony, as directed by the surgeon, gave us a sneak peek into how the future of surgical procedures is revolutionized by these highly sophisticated machines that allow for minute incisions. Here, CTRs enhance surgical outcomes; thus, the inevitable question arises: How do they do that?

The Essence of Concentric Tube Robots

Inherent Compliance and Precision

The CTRs consist of a series of tubes of increasingly larger diameters, each tube contained within the others. Such design makes them capable of taking small routes in tight conditions, which is an impressive feature.

An endoscopic tube is a device that surgeons use to reach these structures, which include blood vessels, nerves, and very delicate tissues.

Enhanced Visibility and Dexterity

Visibility plays a vital role in MIS. CTRs equip surgeons with a higher level of precision and clarity to help them make better judgments and visualize.

It is amazing how small ports can be used while being controlled with such precision, and this is the reason for the good patient outcomes.

Challenges and Innovations

Kinematic Modeling

Accurate kinematic models are fundamental to CTRs. Nevertheless, most developed models do not take into account friction, clearance, or torsion between contacting tubes. In recent developments, considering the mentioned factors has resulted in more accurate positioning during surgery.

Real-Time Control

The capability of high-precision control and real-time control is quintessential. The surgeons should convey their orders as early as possible so that the robots can quickly react to them. Scientists are creating control algorithms whose main purpose is to correct errors and increase the overall system performance.

Real-World Applications

Cardiovascular Procedures

CTRs prove to be very advanced in maneuvering through blood vessels during cardiac operations. With this compliance, the accuracy of delivery from stent to clot retrieval substantially decreases the risk of damaging the vessel walls.


In neurosurgical and spinal procedures, CTRs offer an unmatched level of precision. During surgery, surgeons can access deeply located tumors and perform precise biopsies with few side effects.

Gastrointestinal Interventions

CTRs enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of endoscopic procedures, reaching more inaccessible areas than traditional tools can. Samples from specific tissue areas and lesion removal have also become practical.

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Stevie: A Compassionate Robotic Companion

In the current healthcare environment where technology and compassion meet, Stevie appears as a wondrous innovation. Developed by a team from Trinity College, Dublin, Stevie is a companion created to provide emotional support to patients.

The Meaning of Stevie

Emotional Connection

Stevie is not only circuits and algorithms; it is also a friend. It is meant to reduce anxiety and loneliness in patients. As a result of conversations, games, and soft interactions Stevie is a pleasant companion in hospital rooms and care facilities.

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Holistic Monitoring

Besides emotional support, Stevie is vigilant. It supervises patients for symptoms of medical deterioration. Whether it detects abnormalities in vital signs or identifies signs of stress, Stevie could be an early warning system.

Conversations and Games

A Listening Ear

Patients can confide in Stevie with their thoughts, fears, and happiness. It listens without judgment. For those who are lonely, Stevie takes the role of a confessor – silently listening and absorbing their stories.

Playful Moments

Stevie plays games, trivia, and puzzles with the patients. It brings them smiles and moments away from worries. By being able to play a crossword puzzle or a chess game online, Stevie promotes mental activity.

The Science Behind Stevie

Human-Centered Design

The AI team embodied empathy in Stevie. They have intercalated it with Stevie’s personality. Ranging from its expressive face to its comforting voice, all features reflect the patients’ mind recovery.

AI and Emotional Intelligence

Stevie’s AI is based on interactions with staff and patients. It adapts its responses according to the needs of different individuals while being capable of identifying emotions, adjusting tone, and making customized support.

As Stevie continues to evolve, we envision a future where robots like Stevie are integral members of healthcare teams. They will not replace human caregivers but complement them. 

Microbots for Surgical Interventions

As the healthcare system continues to develop, we see the growth of a new class of heroes – microbots. These tiny machines are the source of future medical revolution through small-scale invasive processes, precise drug delivery, and intricate surgeries that were impossible before.

The Microbots’ Miracol

Tiny Warriors with Surgical Precision

Microbots are conceived as devices of millimetric size scale with surgical capabilities. Imagine robots so small that they can navigate even the most distant places of your body and pass through your bloodstream.

From the theoretical point of view, these constructions could be inserted into a patient’s bloodstream through a usual access point. After that, they could be controlled to move toward a particular destination to perform a predetermined task without a surgeon having to touch the patient’s skin.

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Targeted Drug Delivery

Microbots are not just surgical tools but also drug shippers as well. Now, picture a cloud of little robots bringing medicine to individual cancer cells or inflamed tissues. By pinpointing the afflicted areas, microbots lessen the side effects and increase treatment effectiveness.

Challenges and Innovations

Navigating the Human Terrain

Microbots encounter complications that have to do with movement, navigation, and communication. How do you pilot a machine that’s smaller than a grain of sand? Scientists are investigating many means of propulsion, such as magnetic fields, acoustic waves, and even biological cues.

Biocompatibility and Safety

Preserving the normal tissues from microbots deterioration is essential. Materials compatible with the body and smart design are two key elements. They must be safe, effective, and quickly dispensable after the mission and excreted out of the body.

With rigorous research, these robots will soon become invaluable allies in health care. They might work quietly, invisibly, and untiringly – and while doing so, they will change medicine one tiny bit (microsite) at a time.

Medical Innovations to Shape Our Future

On this captivating journey into the world of medical robotics, we defied conventions and changed our notions of patient care. With the dawn of the revolution, our technological advancements, the glory of the synergy between human professionals and their robotic colleagues, and the prospect of a healthcare environment in which healing is not confined by boundaries are upon us.

We invite you to get in touch and join us in creating a healthier world!

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