Home » The Manifest Honors HyperSense Software Inc. as Chicago’s Most Reviewed B2B Leader for 2024

The Manifest Honors HyperSense Software Inc. as Chicago’s Most Reviewed B2B Leader for 2024

by Gabriela Mihoci
2 minutes read
Chicago’s Most Reviewed B2B Leader for 2024

For over two decades, HyperSense Software Inc. has been serving as the all-around partner for many brilliant businesses around the world. We are a committed team that is passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions ranging from custom software to user experience. Our dedication to our clients is unparalleled, and that’s how we were able to earn their invaluable trust.

With that being said, we’re extremely excited to announce that HyperSense Software Inc. was officially recognized as one of the most reviewed and recommended B2B leaders by The Manifest! 

According to their 2024 report, our team is among Chicago, Illinois’ finest for our expertise in user experience, design, software development, mobile app development, and web development!

The Manifest is a B2B platform designed to publish insightful content such as agency shortlists, how-to articles, and market reports. The site is known for its yearly awards cycle designed to spotlight outstanding service providers. For every category, 15 leaders are selected based on the number of honest testimonials they’ve accumulated over the preceding twelve months.

Knowing that we wouldn’t be able to earn this award without our clients makes it more meaningful for us. In honor of this award, HyperSense Software’s CTO, Andrei Neacsu, has a few words to share:

“We respect and appreciate The Manifest for naming us a top software development firm in Chicago, Illinois. We will continue to work hard to prove ourselves as a top agency not just in our region, but around the world too.”

Thank you so much to everyone who put their trust in HyperSense Software Inc! We owe this remarkable honor to your trust and support.HyperSense Software Inc. is here to help you bridge the gap between business and tech. Connect with us and let’s work together.

See also
HyperSense Software asked by US-based research firm, Clutch, for expert opinion on the implementation of Kinvey

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